Buma Group is a group of companies dedicated in providing Engineering Construction and Procurement (ECP) services exclusive to Oil and Gas Industries. Established in 1987, primarily operates in Papua, Buma Group started as PT. BUMA PERINDAHINDO providing support services : Logistic Services, Constructions, Civil Maintenance , Facilities Management Services , Seismic & Manpower supply.
Lowongan Kerja PT Buma Grup
Buma Group is hiring :
- - Senior Process Engineer
- - Senior Electrical Engineer
- - Senior Instrumentation Engineer
- - Senior Mechanical Engineer
Reguirements :
- Have 10 years experiences with minimum 5 years experiences as same postion.
- Candidate must possess at least bachelor degree (S1) from Chemical Engineering.”(1)
- Candidate must possess at least bachelor degree (S1) from Electrical Engineering. “(2 & 3)
- Candidate must possess at least bachelor degree (S1) from Physics. “(3)
- Candidate must possess at least bachelor degree (S1) from Mechanical Engineering. “(4)
- Proficient in API, ANSI, ISA, ASME, NACE, NFPA codes, HAZOP, HAZID, LOPA. review and process safety. "(1)
- Proficient in HYSYS, PIPESIM, PHAST, FLARESIM, PROMAX, FLARENET, OLGA application. “(1)
- Proficient in ANSI, API, NEMA, NFPA, NEC, NFPA7O, IEEE, ICEA, IEC, BS. ISO codes. “(2)
- Proficient in ETAPs, SKM PTW or eguivalent app!ication.“(2)
- Proficient in API, ANSI, ISA, ASME, NACE, SCADA., PLC. DCS design. system, integration design (OPC, TCP/IP networking system). “(3)
- Proficient in Instrucalc, Smartplan, PLC programming. SIL calculation tools. “(3)
- Proficient in ASME (B31.1, B31.3), NBIC, API 510, TEMA, ASTM. NACE. NFPA codes. “(4)
- Proficient in CAESAR, AUTOPIPE, PV ELITE, COMPRESS, HTRI, HTFS and ANSYS application. “(4)
- Proficient in mechanical static eguipment (e.g. vessel, reactor, supports). piping, fitting. valve design or rotating eguipment (e.g. pump. gas turbine, Ccompressor.etc.)"(4)
- Experienced in engineering design, commissioning. and start-up
- Computer literacy.
If you think you fit the position above, kindly send your updated resume to adminhrdjkt@bumagroup.com with the subject "S5- Full Name - Position"
Only shortlisted candidates will be processed further.
Mohon perhatian!
- Kami mengingatkan agar selalu berhati-hati terhadap segala jenis penipuan dalam lowongan pekerjaan.
- Semua proses rekrutmen yang diinformasikan oleh LokerEnergi adalah gratis dan tidak meminta biaya apapun.
- Mohon tidak memberikan uang tunai atau melakukan transfer jika diminta oleh pihak manapun.
- Jika Anda menemukan lowongan pekerjaan yang terindikasi sebagai penipuan, silakan laporkan kepada kami.
Berikut adalah beberapa tips dalam mencari pekerjaan:
1. Buatlah CV yang menarik, kreatif, dan unik. CV yang Anda buat harus mudah dibaca oleh perekrut atau HRD.
2. Cantumkan informasi pribadi seperti nama, alamat domisili, nomor telepon, email, umur, dan tinggi (jika ada).
3. Deskripsikan tentang diri Anda dan pencapaian yang telah Anda raih.
4. Tuliskan pengalaman yang dimiliki, meskipun hanya sebatas magang. Cantumkan nama perusahaan, bulan, dan tahun mulai bergabung.
5. Sebutkan posisi yang diinginkan, nama perusahaan, bulan, dan tahun mulai bergabung.
6. Jangan lupa untuk mencantumkan pendidikan Anda seperti nama universitas/sekolah dan bulan/tahun