PT Greenland Resources is the mining consultant that has services in Greeniand both coal and minerals such as Resources iron ore, manganese, nickel, gold, etc.
Supported by professionals who are experts in their field, Greenland able to undertake the exploration from green field until details for technical due diigence purpose and for development from exploration to exploitation stages by applying the appropriate standard in Standard of National Indonesia (SNI) and the International recognized standards such as JORC, USGS, etc.
In addit on, Greenland also provide services in Legal Due Diligence for checking the land ownership Status, clear and clean status im Mining Dept, overlapping with forestry and plantation area and survey the local problem Greenland work with Indomineral Mining & Pacific Minerals in term of helping clients to obtain the prospect of mining concessions.
Supported by professional staffs that competent in their expertise, good networking with any third parties and associates to suppor the exploration, Greenland will be your valuabl partner to reach your successful In mining industry.
Lowongan Kerja PT Greenland Resource
1. PJO
2. Geological Database
3. Drilling Coordinator
4. Welisite Geologists
5. Surveyors
6. Ast Surveyor
7. Drillers
8. Ast Driller
9. Mechanics
10. Mechanical Ast
11. HSE
12. Paramedic
13. Site Admins
14. Drivers
15. Chef
1. PJO (min 10 years experience, has POP certification)
2. Database Geologist (S1 Geology min 5 years experience in nickel, has POP certification)
3. Drilling Coordinator (min 5 years experience as nickel drilling coordinator/supervisor)
4. Welisite Geologist (S1 Geology/Mining Engineering with min 2 years experience, Mining Geology Vocational School with min 3 years experience)
5. Surveyor (S1 Geodesy/Civil Engineering, min 2 years experience)
6. Ast Surveyor (Mining/Construction Vocational School, min 2 years experience)
7. Driller (min 3 years experience in nickel drilling)
8. Ast Driller (min 2 years experience in nickel drilling)
9. Drilling Mechanic (min 5 years experience)
10. Ast Mechanic (min 2 years experience)
11. HSE (S1 Mining with min 3 years experience, having a General AK3 certificate is preferred)
12. Paramedic (S1 Nursing degree with min 2 years experience, has an active STR, has an active ACLS / ATLS certificate, has a Hiperkes certificate)
13, Admin Site (Minimum 3 years Admin/Logistics Experience
14. Driver (minimum 3 years of work experience in a mine and have a BII SIM)
15. Willing to follow company rules (all positions)
16. Willing to be placed in all company work areas in Indonesia (all positions)
Send CV to
Before July 28, 2023
Mohon perhatian!
- Kami mengingatkan agar selalu berhati-hati terhadap segala jenis penipuan dalam lowongan pekerjaan.
- Semua proses rekrutmen yang diinformasikan oleh LokerEnergi adalah gratis dan tidak meminta biaya apapun.
- Mohon tidak memberikan uang tunai atau melakukan transfer jika diminta oleh pihak manapun.
- Jika Anda menemukan lowongan pekerjaan yang terindikasi sebagai penipuan, silakan laporkan kepada kami.
Berikut adalah beberapa tips dalam mencari pekerjaan:
1. Buatlah CV yang menarik, kreatif, dan unik. CV yang Anda buat harus mudah dibaca oleh perekrut atau HRD.
2. Cantumkan informasi pribadi seperti nama, alamat domisili, nomor telepon, email, umur, dan tinggi (jika ada).
3. Deskripsikan tentang diri Anda dan pencapaian yang telah Anda raih.
4. Tuliskan pengalaman yang dimiliki, meskipun hanya sebatas magang. Cantumkan nama perusahaan, bulan, dan tahun mulai bergabung.
5. Sebutkan posisi yang diinginkan, nama perusahaan, bulan, dan tahun mulai bergabung.
6. Jangan lupa untuk mencantumkan pendidikan Anda seperti nama universitas/sekolah dan bulan/tahun