NES Fircroft (NES) is proud to be the world's leading engineering staffing provider, serving various sectors including Oil & Gas, Power & Renewables, Infrastructure, Life Sciences, Mining, Automotive, and Chemicals. With over 90 years of combined experience, NES offers a comprehensive range of staffing solutions such as Contract, Permanent (Direct) Hire, Managed Solutions, and mobility services. Operating in 45 countries with more than 100 offices, NES provides global talent through local experts who possess in-depth knowledge of their respective countries, enabling them to deliver the resources you need, when and where you need them. For more information, please visit:
Lowongan Kerja PT Nesfircoft
Oil & Gas Project Engineering careers in Jakarta, Indonesia
Our Jakarta office is seeking a team of project engineering specialists in the following disciplines: Process, Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Piping, E&I, Supply Chain Management, and Quality Assurance. This team will be assigned to the Major Onshore CCUS FEED Project based in Jakarta, Indonesia, for a contract period of 9 months.
The available positions are as follows:
• You are passionate about advancing your career in a unique and high-profile project in Indonesia.
• You have a strong track record of working in Oil & Gas Engineering Design phases, such as FEED/DED.
• You are a top performer and have successfully completed Large Scale/Global Projects within the given timeframes.
• You possess knowledge and experience working in EPC or PMC type projects.
• 8+ years of experience for Engineer positions, 13+ years of experience for Senior Engineer/Designer roles, and 20 years of experience for Lead Engineer/Designer positions.
• Process-driven mindset to ensure high-quality service and adherence to best practices.
• Involvement in FEED/DED project stages related to onshore gas processing/oil & gas facilities.
• Indonesian passport.
• Opportunity to work on Indonesia's unique and high-profile CCUS Project with a multinational engineering company.
• Competitive salary.
• Private insurance.
Email for job application:
Please include your full name and the job title in your application. For example: "Name Last name - Senior Mechanical Engineer – Rotating."
Berikut adalah lima tip untuk bekerja dengan efisien:
- Senior Mechanical Engineer - Rotating
- Senior Cost Estimator
- Senior Civil Engineer
- Structural Engineer
- Senior 2D Designer Civil/Structural
- Senior 3D Designer Civil/Structural
- Senior Electrical Engineer
- Senior Contracts Engineer
• You are passionate about advancing your career in a unique and high-profile project in Indonesia.
• You have a strong track record of working in Oil & Gas Engineering Design phases, such as FEED/DED.
• You are a top performer and have successfully completed Large Scale/Global Projects within the given timeframes.
• You possess knowledge and experience working in EPC or PMC type projects.
• 8+ years of experience for Engineer positions, 13+ years of experience for Senior Engineer/Designer roles, and 20 years of experience for Lead Engineer/Designer positions.
• Process-driven mindset to ensure high-quality service and adherence to best practices.
• Involvement in FEED/DED project stages related to onshore gas processing/oil & gas facilities.
• Indonesian passport.
• Opportunity to work on Indonesia's unique and high-profile CCUS Project with a multinational engineering company.
• Competitive salary.
• Private insurance.
Email for job application:
Please include your full name and the job title in your application. For example: "Name Last name - Senior Mechanical Engineer – Rotating."
Berikut adalah lima tip untuk bekerja dengan efisien:
- Tetapkan Prioritas: Sebelum memulai tugas, identifikasi dan tetapkan prioritas yang jelas. Fokuslah pada tugas-tugas yang paling penting dan mendesak terlebih dahulu. Dengan melakukan ini, Anda dapat memastikan waktu dan energi Anda digunakan dengan efektif.
- Buat Jadwal: Buat jadwal harian atau mingguan yang terperinci untuk mengatur waktu Anda. Tetapkan waktu khusus untuk setiap tugas dan upayakan untuk mengikuti jadwal tersebut. Dengan memiliki jadwal yang terstruktur, Anda dapat menghindari penundaan dan memaksimalkan produktivitas.
- Gunakan Teknologi yang Membantu: Manfaatkan alat dan aplikasi teknologi yang dapat membantu meningkatkan produktivitas Anda. Misalnya, gunakan aplikasi manajemen tugas atau kalender digital untuk mengatur pekerjaan dan mengingatkan Anda tentang tenggat waktu yang akan datang.
- Hindari Gangguan: Upayakan untuk menghindari gangguan yang dapat mengalihkan perhatian Anda. Matikan pemberitahuan pada ponsel atau komputer Anda saat bekerja dan cari tempat yang tenang dan bebas gangguan untuk fokus pada tugas-tugas yang membutuhkan konsentrasi.
- Istirahat yang Cukup: Penting untuk memberikan waktu istirahat yang cukup dalam rutinitas kerja Anda. Jangan lupa untuk mengambil istirahat singkat antara sesi kerja yang intens, dan pastikan Anda memiliki waktu yang cukup untuk tidur dan memulihkan energi Anda setiap hari. Istirahat yang cukup akan membantu menjaga kejelasan pikiran dan produktivitas yang tinggi.